Meeting A New Client

-March 5, 2015-
Today I had the opportunity to meet with new clients, Dr. Brad Double and Dr. Chuck Ferry of Double Chiropractic. 

Photoshoot with these two today…Some great new marketing materials in the making for their business. #DigitalMarketing #DoubleChiropractic #GrangerGraphicDesign


Building A Marketing Based Website

Focus: Creating A Marketing-Based Site.
Here are some tips that we use, to plan websites that create results:

Who is my audience?
Search engine optimization – Can people find your site by doing a simple search?
Persona and brand development – What do you want to be known for?

What does my audience want?
Information design – Is the information simplistic and easy to follow?
Visual design – Do the layout and images help to draw the customer in?
Content strategy  – Will your audience have a better understanding of your products/services?

What do I want from my audience?
Lead generation – What do you want your customer to do? Subscribe, Contact, Register etc. This should be clearly laid out on each page.
Calls to action – What points of engagement are available to your customers through your site?

Yeutter & Associates P.C. Launches New Website

-February 18, 2015-
Congratulations to Yeutter & Associates, P.C. in the recent launch of their new 
website. We are grateful for the opportunity to come alongside and offer marketing expertise to help them more effectively serve their client base.


The solution: Yeutter & Associates, P.C. contacted Granger Graphic Design about creating a new website with a fresh updated look. They were eager to work with a smaller company that offered local talent, as well as personable and individualized service to meet their business goals. 

The problem: Yeutter & Associates, P.C. was previously working with a large web design company. Their requests for updates to their website took several days for processing and often longer to receive a response.

We thank Yeutter & Associates, P.C. for the opportunity to serve them. Looking for a tax advisor? Contact Yeutter & Associates, P.C. for CPA assistance.

Questions about your next web design project? Contact us for more information.

Spring Arbor Township Launches New Website

-January 10, 2015-
Congratulations to Spring Arbor Township in the recent launch of their new website and Facebook page. We are grateful for the opportunity to come alongside and offer marketing expertise to help them more effectively serve the residents of the Spring Arbor area.

spring arbor township website design jackson michigan   spring arbor township website design Facebook page jackson michigan

The solution: The new website was created with you, the user in mind. The achieved goal is to create a friendly promotional site and celebrate the many aspects of the highly desirable small community in order to draw people in. The new site is attractive and informative to everyone who visits. It offers a document center with access to forms and applications as well as the ability to pay taxes and utilities through the site's portal. The new Facebook page engages followers and keeps them up to date on events and note worthy items.

The problem: The old website was informative, but organization, design and layout were lacking. Residents could utilize forms, but often spent quality time searching for those forms. The site's appeal was non – existent.

Worth Law Office Launches New Website

-September 19, 2014-
worth law office website design jackson michigan
Attorneys William A. Worth, Jr. and Patricia J. Worth, Jackson, Michigan recently launched their new website. Their new site offers a user-friendly structure and responsive design (mobile-friendly). Need legal assistance that relates to workers' compensation, personal injury, social security disability, family law or child law? Why not check out Worth Law Office? 

Does your website need a boost? Contact Granger Graphic Design for more information.

Slice of Spice Launches New Website

-July 16, 2014-
Daniel and Mary Laughlin, co-owners of Slice of Spice in Spring Arbor, recently launched their new website. The site is more media focused, has images that are visually appealing and will whet your appetite. The mobile responsive site also features a free downloadable Android app. Looking for a new restaurant? Why not check out Slice of Spice

Does your website need a boost? Contact Granger Graphic Design for more information.

How To Engage Website Visitors

As a website design company, we know that it is important to understand how to engage website visitors. When your competition is only a click away, we are here to help you engage users, keep them loyal, and build relationships that will eventually convert into customer relationships.  

A conducted research shows that the average time that a person visits a webpage is less than 1 minute, and often 10-20 seconds; while people only have time to read a quarter of a text on the pages they visit.*  As a result, it is imperative to engage customers in the first ten seconds of them landing on your website, otherwise they will leave quickly and might never return.

Visitors need to know that they can find the information they are looking for on your website, within the first few seconds.  Knowing that your site is well designed and easy to navigate plays a significant role in visitor retention. 

So, how does this apply to your organization's website? It is valuable to know where your website currently stands in regards to the amount of time visitors are spending on your pages. Take a look at your analytics (we recommend Google Analytics) to get a feel for visitor loyalty statistics which should show the length and the depth of the visit. This will give you an idea of how engaged your visitors currently are.  We'd also suggest walking through our Top 5 Tips to Increase Website Visits below.

Top 5 Tips to Help Increase The Amount of Time People Spend on Your Website:
1. Good site design that is clean, simple and attractive
2. Easy to use navigation
3. Engaging, but short bite-sized content pieces
4. Utilize and monitor site tracking with a tool such as Google Analytics
5. Make it very clear who you are, what you do and what you are offering

If you have questions, or would like to talk further about your website's needs, please contact us to begin the conversation.

Can Your Customers Find Your Website?

-May 23, 2014-
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important in getting your website seen. It is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. Does your site need a boost? Contact us for more information.

Websites. Marketing. Design.

-April 15, 2014-
Granger Graphic Design, Jackson, Michigan, specializes in responsive website designs that attract, inform and engage.  We are known for our skill in helping small business websites rank higher in search engine results through organic keyword programming.  We also provide our clients with analytical tools that will allow them to make effective business decisions by taking a closer look at their website's traffic.  

Services we offer:
Google Analytics
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
WordPress Content Management (CMS)
Google Places
Responsive Designwebsite design

"PCS highly recommends Granger Graphic Design to anyone looking to build or just tweak an existing website.  With the integration of Google Analytics, we are receiving more hits every week, along with many more phone calls from companies that found us on Google.  They have great attention to detail and are always quick to respond to our requests."

Jamie Cox
Professional Communications Services, Jackson

Central Africa Healthcare Organization

Congratulations to Central Africa Healthcare Organization (CAHO) in the launch of their new RESPONSIVE website earlier this month, complete with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. CAHO exists to provide support for Christian hospitals overseas, primarily those affiliated with the global Free Methodist Church. Please click here to check out their site. 


SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is important in getting your website seen. It is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's natural search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. Research indicates that most users will only look through the first three pages of search results.  Thus, the importance of your site ranking high with search engine visibility.

RESPONSIVE website design is one of the current trends for website design. It allows the layout of the site to respond according to the viewer's screen size, to minimize panning. Research estimates that by 2015, most will navigate the internet using their mobile device as opposed to a desktop computer.   

Are you interested in learning more about WEBSITE design? Contact us for more information.

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